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About the Five-Year Integrated Program in Journalism (FYIPJ)

Syllabus of DSJ-FYIPJ


Click here to view the Syllabus (English)

Click here to view the Syllabus (Hindi)


Semester I & II

Semester III

DSJ Syllabi Semester IV, V and VI: DSCs and DSEs

About the Course 

Delhi School of Journalism (DSJ) offers a Five-Year Integrated Program in Journalism (FYIPJ) with special emphasis on languages (both foreign and vernacular). The students also have an exit option after the completion of Bachelor of Journalism (BJ) or continue with Master of Journalism (MJ). The students are offered 28 core courses, 2 ability enhancement programs, 2 skill-based elective courses, 4 general elective courses, 4 discipline specific elective courses and language courses (foreign and vernacular). The department assesses the student’s performance via theoretical and practical engagements.

Detailed Structure of the Program

The School offers a Five Year Integrated Program in Journalism:

- The program offers an exit option after three years; in that case the student will be awarded Degree of Bachelor of Journalism (BJ).
- The students completing two years post graduate course will be awarded the Degree of Master of Journalism (MJ).
- This is a bilingual program, i.e. offering instructions in both English and Hindi as applicable.
- The program includes teaching of three foreign languages (French, Spanish & Chinese) and four regional languages (Sanskrit, Urdu, Tamil and Bengali) in ten semesters (A student has to select one foreign language and one regional language).
- More foreign and regional languages will be introduced in due course, depending on the needs of the program and the availability of instructors.

The course is designed with equal weightage on Classroom Lectures (50% Credits) and Assignments/Projects and Internship (50% Credits). Students need to produce Newsletters and Documentaries, Broadcast News Bulletins, and Multimedia Contents of broadcast standards. The course is conceived as an interdisciplinary learning, incorporating the fundamentals of social sciences, sciences, gender studies, ethics, and global issues. Apart from the regular academic exercises, students will be required to take up internships with media houses, and research driven projects related to media and communication.

Examination Scheme

There are 28 Core Papers of 100 marks each in which 75 marks are for theory and 25 marks are for internal assessment. The program also has two AECC Papers of 100 marks each in which 75 marks are for theory and 25 marks are for internal assessment. There are two AEEC Papers of 100 marks each in which 75 marks are for theory and 25 marks are for internal assessment. If AEEC paper is purely practical, then the theory marks differ. There are four GE Papers of 100 marks each in which 75 marks are for theory and 25 marks are for internal assessment. There are four DSE papers of 100 marks each in which 75 marks are for theory and 25 marks are for internal assessment. The Compulsory Language Papers in all ten semesters also follow the same pattern, i.e. 75 marks for theory and 25 marks for internal assessment.