Image 15E8BHar Ghar Tiranga 1E1041E1Image 14E9E7WIP2024InternshipImage 2E3Image 13Image 16Image 12.1E5E6PradeepHarshit Bhatia Award 2023 22HE4142222Image 10.1E2Image 8.1Trophy 1


About Delhi School of Journalism (DSJ)

Delhi School of Journalism (DSJ) is a young department of the University of Delhi. It was set up in the year 2017 with a vision to identify and nurture aspiring journalists and enable them to become a driving force for a quality-driven public sphere and information economy and thereby promote democracy and development in the truest sense. Delhi School of Journalism (DSJ), University of Delhi offers a Five-Year Integrated Program (FYIP) in Journalism that has 28 Core  Courses, 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses, 2 Ability Enhancement Elective Courses (Skill-Based), 4 General Elective Courses and 4 Discipline Specific Elective Courses and Dissertation as per the UGC guidelines.

The department is situated at the stadium of the University of Delhi, equipped with most of the modern amenities for the students. The department offers a Five-Year Integrated Program in Journalism (FYIPJ) with special emphasis on languages (both foreign and vernacular). The students also have an exit option after the completion of Bachelor of Journalism (BJ) or continue with Master of Journalism (MJ). The overall student strength of DSJ is 600. The students are offered 28 core courses, 2 ability enhancement programs, 2 skill-based elective courses, 4 general elective courses, 4 discipline-specific elective courses and language courses (foreign and vernacular). The department assesses the student’s performance via theoretical and practical engagements. Classroom teaching at DSJ is in a blended format where students are engaged through smart classrooms. The faculty comprises of professionals from media industry and teachers specialized in different areas of media studies. In addition to that, DSJ also offers amenities like Library, Smart-Classrooms, ICT Lab and Visual Production Lab for complementing both theoretical and practical engagements.

The course is designed with equal weightage on classroom lectures (50% credits) and assignments/projects and internship (50% credits). Students need to produce newsletters and documentaries, broadcast news bulletins, and multimedia contents of broadcast standards. The learning process will be adequately supported by a state-of-the-art media lab cum studio. 

The course is conceived as an inter-disciplinary learning, incorporating the fundamentals of social sciences, sciences, gender studies, ethics, and global issues. Apart from the regular academic exercises, students will be required to take up internships with media houses, and research driven projects related to media and communication. The teaching initially will rely on cooperative teaching, involving faculty members of journalism in various colleges of the University of Delhi and eminent professionals from the industry. The faculty of other universities in and around Delhi may also be invited. Foreign and Indian languages will be taught by the professors of the respective departments in the university or by faculty recommended by them.