Welcome to Delhi School of Journalism, University of Delhi 
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Vision & Mission


The vision and mission of Delhi School of Journalism (DSJ), University of Delhi is to identify and nurture aspiring journalists, enable them to become a driving force for a quality driven public sphere and information economy and thereby promote democracy and development in the truest sense.

Delhi School of Journalism (DSJ) is oriented towards creating a mechanism of training that can impart theoretical perspectives, technical skills and professional ethics of service. It is focused on nurturing a pool of minds that can gather and transmit information without adulteration and strengthen the democratic processes and the governance systems of the country. The institution aims to instill a sense of responsibility into the personal and professional conduct of the students in order to preserve the culture of peace, development and order in society and in developing and enriching the discipline of journalism through inter-disciplinary modules, innovative pedagogical techniques, and integration of critical insights into the teaching, learning and professional schemes.








Notice for Commencement of 1st Semester Classes (DSJ-2022) 07.11.2022

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Reschedule of DSJ Orientation Programme (2022) 07.11.2022

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DSJ Orientation Programme (Batch 2022-23)04.11.2022

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Vice Chancellor Internship Scheme (2022)03.11.2022

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DSJ Semester Examination (Nov/Dec 2022) 03.11.2022

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Notice Regarding Beginning of Session (2022-23)01.11.2022

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List of Vacant Seats (CSAS-2022 UG Admissions)26.10.2022

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Notice-Display of CSAS Vacant Seats (2022)25.10.2022

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Notice for PMSSS Candidates (2022-UG Admissions) 25.10.2022

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Fill Up of Examination Form (2019-22) 25.10.2022

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DSJ Swami Vivekananda Memorial National Debate (2024) 19.03.2024

20th March 2024 

ILLL-Auditorium, Academic Research Centre Building 

Reporting Time: 09:30 AM

Organized by: Chaupal-The Debate Society, DSJ

We welcome all the 30 teams participating in the first edition of the National Debate at Delhi School of Journalism (DSJ) organized in the memory of Swami Vivekananda. The event is taking place at ILLL-Auditorium, Academic Research Centre, University of Delhi omn 20.03.2024 (Wednesday).